2024年3月– date –
現在のガイド募集日のご案内Information on current guide recruitment dates 3月4月5月 土日 (Holiday)17 30平日 (Weekday)18 20 22 25 28 29 土日 (Holiday)7 13 14 20 21 27 28平日 (Weekday)8 9 10 12 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 土日 (Holiday)4 5 11 1... -
A guide at Lake Biwa explains in detail, including the tackle recommended for mid-strrolling Sakamata Shad. 【HowToUse】
We have JDM tackle web shop. Hello everyone. I am Atsuya Asano of CONNECT, a bass fishing guide on Lake Biwa. Sakamata shad jig head fishing has opportunities to be active in various lakes throughout the year.I sometimes get questions ab...